Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hi Everyone

Week Three already
This term is flying past.

Our Dance Drama is the main focus of our lessons this week.

Over the last two weeks we have been learning about locomotion (fast and slow), moving between different styles of locomotion (walking, skipping, hopping etc), working with partners and making our bodies look happy or sad.
This week we put all that together with "The Villagers and the Tyrant".
Some of us will be villagers playing in the sun and being happy, until the Tyrant appears and starts to demand that we pay him some money. At first we are scared (and show this by sad, unhappy bodies) and give him what he wants. After a while we realise that he is not that scary and gang together to sneak up on the Tyrant and give him a scare instead. The Tyrant goes from being loud and scary to being unhappy and sad.

Of course we show all this using our Mime and Movement skills - no talking - just lots of facial and body expressions. And of course every class is different in the portrayal of the story.
I can't wait to see how your class does it!

Lower Primary classes our Improvisation this week is about having "Fun in the Sun" at the beach. Don't forget to bring your props.
Upper Primary, our Improvisation is called "The Bus Accident".  We might have to practice our first aid skills to help the injured passengers.

Keep up the good work on your ad libbing. Your speech is coming along, but remember practice makes perfect. So that is what we will be doing - practicing so we can be perfect.

See you all at class.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How's It Going??????

Have you all settled back into your school routine?

I really enjoyed our first week back, seeing all the old faces and meeting lots of new ones. The start of the term is always a little unsettling but we too will soon be into our routine.

It has been good to hear lots of fine voices. I can tell that some of you have been practicing your speech exercises. Your ad-libbing is coming along too and it has been great to hear this during our classes last week. Dust off those imaginations and get all those creative minds working. We can have sooooooo much fun.

The subject of our "snippets" this week is "Why did you put the phone down when I came into the room?" - That's a very long sentence by itself. Can you come up with some answers to it. I look forward to hearing them all.

Also I have really enjoyed watching some of our younger members having fun with crepe paper. We have been making flames and fires and dancing around the room using them as streamers. Just remember, while it is fun to pretend to be flames, we don't play with matches or fire as it can be very dangerous.

Have a really good week. I look forward to seeing you at class.

Bye for now

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Here We Go

Welcome to Term One 2012

Hello to all of you who are returning for another year and a BIG WELCOME to all our new students.

Yes classes are starting this week and I have a very busy term planned.

The first thing we need to do is get those voices back into fine form after their rest over the holidays, so......
more projection, articulation and forward placing required. I will need just as much practice as you so it's something we'll be working on together.

Mime and movement is next on the list. I don't know about you but I will have to start limbering up to get into all those wonderful shapes that we make. I may be getting to old for this bit, so you will have to do it for me.

Improvisations or The Weekly Play.
This week some of us will be going to a barbecue with Timothy who loses a tooth, can you guess where??? Others of us will be off to the fairground to see if we can win a prize by Ringing the Bell. I wonder who it will be.

Snippets are returning this term. This week: "School was unbearable today". I hope this wasn't really the case for you.

See you all at class

Bye for now
